Meet the Team
Hi, I am the proud owner/operator of Dial a Dog Wash - Coventry.
I started with Dial A Dog Wash some time ago due to my love of animals.
Having a dog of my own, I knew the stress of taking him to the parlours. I had to drop him off at 7am and not get him back until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. He would come out panting, thirsty and bursting for the loo !! How on earth can it take so long, I thought ? After putting up with it for a few months I decided enough was enough and looked into getting myself trained and getting a fully mobile unit up on the road. That way, I could bring all the convenience to the owners but with none of the stress or upset and I`ve never looked back since !
So thats why I set all this up - Convenience, no stress and HAPPY DOGS !
So I hope to see you and your `best friend` very soon !! Give me a call on 024 75 313724 or mobile 07522 415 470 or you can e-mail me on If I dont answer straight away, its only because I am grooming and giving that particular dog 100% of my time and attention - just like you would want for your dog ! So leave me a message and I PROMISE i will call you back later !
Thanks and see you soon,

CHARLIE and Tango

GEMMA and Mitsy

APRILE and Tyson